Application state management using react hooks, context API and immer JS

Shubham Zanwar

@React Bangalore Meetup #53

Hi! I'm Shubham

Full Stack Developer @ Mckinsey Digital Labs

Love React, Vue and Go!

Expected outcomes from this talk

- Learn react APIs that will help build a state manager

- Implement a state management module using hooks and context

- Understand where redux doesn't fit and exploring alternatives

(Not so)Subtle add-ons

- A live coding session (!!)

- Learn how to use immerJS for deep object manipulations

- Hooks fallback for class based components

What really is redux?



State management library

What really is redux?


- The entire app's state is stored in one single object; albeit modularised

- Single source of truth

What really is redux?


- The update logic for the state lies in the reducer only.

- Different components can only fire actions. They cannot update the state directly.

What really is redux?

Why redux?

- Time travel debugging

- Deterministic state changes - updates based on actions fired

- State maintained in a single store object

- Offers separation of concerns

Why not to use redux?

- Too much boilerplate

- An entire new library to learn

- A serious overkill for a simple react app that requires state management

What are the alternatives?

- Create a common parent component that holds application state

- Create a state management library using react hooks and the context API 🤩

- Use the context API to replace the provider and connect from redux

- Use the useState or useReducer hooks to supply the state object and update interface to components.

- Decrease reducer complexity by using immer JS

The context API

- The context API is used when we want to pass information to a sub-tree of react components without passing props at each hierarchy level

- Ideally used for usecases like application theming, language localisation

and state management

The context API

Context API

Redux Provider

React hooks

- The hooks API was created to allow using class components features with functional components.

- This allowed for sharing logic between different functional components

- Many default hooks released with react 16.8; with the option to combine these and create custom hooks

Eg: useState, useReducer, useContext.

useState for centralised state management

- The useState hook was created to introduce local component state in functional components.

- This hook returns the existing state along with a function to update the state to whatever the user/component wants.

This is not a very good idea because the component decides what the final state would look like. Too much control for an individual component

Enter useReducer

- It's an advanced useState

- Components can decide which actions to dispatch but the update logic lies in the reducer itself.

- More suited for our use case because it maintains predictability

Enter useReducer

useReducer hook

Redux createStore

Pizza ordering service

Time to refactor

Improve your reducers with Immer JS

- Really simple to use. No new API to learn.

- Reducer code becomes more concise and easier to read.

- Is faster than handwritten reducers in most cases. 

(head over to official docs to know more)

Using hooks with class based components

- Hooks are designed to work with functional components

- But most existing apps use class based components

- "Do I need to refactor my entire app to functional components if I want to use hooks?😱🤯"




Aaaand we're done!


- Start off simple. Try using native react APIs before a new library 

- Create HOCs to use hooks with class based components.

- If you do decide that your app needs redux, upgrade to the newer react-redux version with hooks support

- Replace the Provider and connect from redux using context API

- Replace the reducers using useReducer. Actions stay as is.

- Using immer JS in reducers can improve perf and clean up code.

- Use redux if you require middleware

- Use redux if you require server side rendering

Thank you